Wednesday, May 25, 2011

it's wednesdayy!!

Hey ya'll! 
It's Wednesday *my favorite bloggy day* and I'm excited to bring you some link ups!!
Play along with Jamie *you know you want to* for...
{I'm Loving} my new blog design... for the time being! If you read my last post then you know I've been a lot little OCD with it.  I mean, I dreamt about blog designs last night.  Can we say problem? Anyway... I think this one is classy and sassy *just like me*.

{I'm Loving} that I get to see my Memphis people this weekend!! It has been too long and they really are my favorites.  This group is coming along on the Vegas trip in June so this weekend is just the tip of the iceberg of fun that Vegas will be. I'll try to have pics from this weekend to show Monday.  I've become just downright terrible at remembering to take pictures. Imma try to be better!! :)

{I'm Loving} Lauren Alaina on American Idol.  I didn't really watch American Idol this year, but I watched it last night and was appalled by country bumpkin Scotty.  I get his appeal to 8 year old girls, but good lord.  He moves his eyebrows so many times during a performance that I thought he was a ventriloquist doll.
And has anyone else noticed his similarity to this guy...
*bless his heart*
If Lauren Alaina doesn't win, this show is rigged!! 

{I'm Loving} working on my fitness!! I am turning my lady lumps into toned muscles and I LOOOVE IT.  Working out is hard and takes effort and motivation...but seriously after the first week of working out, it has become a routine and I am seeing results! 
Yaaaay me!!

And as always...
{I'm Loving} John! I'll get to see him this weekend too :) It's been two weeks ahhhh since I've seen him!! TOO LONG BOO!!

I'm also playing along with Leigh Ashley to bring you...

{one} what’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
I didn't have many dates before John and they were all okay... so I don't really remember! Everything is a blur before John, I didn't live before John... haha 
{two} if you could be any other person for one day, who would it be?
Carrie Underwood, no question.  Dream life.  And her legs?! I would wear Lady Gaga inspired unitards everyday if I had her legs!

{three} what is your favorite kind of cheese?
I'm a big fan of all cheese.  I'm not going to discrimi-hate on any of them
{four} do you remember your 1st grade teacher?
Yes! Mrs. Carhart! She was my favorite!
{five} who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Momma for sure because she's the only one to sympathize then tell me to get over it. 
{six} were you ever in a school talent show?
Was I in a school talent show... only every year since 3rd grade... haha.  I always sang! I have lots of footage for my "E! True Hollywood Story" some day :)
{seven} who is your favorite fictional character?
ohh that's hard because this girl loooves movies and TV.... I think Phil and Cam from Modern Family 
{eight} can you open your eyes underwater?
Yep, but I don't like to because it hurts! Ouch!
{nine} do you look at the keyboard when you type?
Nope...I just line them up with the little bumps on F and J and off I go!
{ten} when was the last time you took a nap?
Hmmm... don't remember! That is so sad because I LOVE naps!! I haven't been sleeping good at night tho so I'm trying to stay away from naps...sad day.

I hope you all have an amazing rest of the week! I'm leaving tomorrow morning to meet up with John then head to Memphis!! I hope you all get long weekends and soak up some sun!!
Be back Monday for some weekend updates!


new design...

So I'm OCD or just really picky (probably both) but as you can see... I'm trying to update my blog a little bit.  Needless to say that I'm obsessing over it and want to find the perfect layout to use.  I'm still new at blogging so I don't want to buy a layout just yet... maybe when I reach a milestone in followers or something, who knows.  I was wondering if any of you know of any great sites that have fee layouts or just have any tips at all?! I keep looking at all of the super cute blogs out there and mine was just not cutting it.

Thanks for being patient with me and my unruly blog design... if you stop by and my page looks all kinds of messed up, know that I'm in the middle of switching it up a little bit!!


Monday, May 23, 2011

weekend recap

Hey ya'll! 
Its Monday which isn't so bad since school is OVER so let me tell ya what went down in Sarah's world this weekend.

Friday night I went to bed mentally prepared to wake up early Saturday to go to my gyms version of "P90X".  Unfortunately, yeah right I woke up so sore from my Friday workout that I could barely lift my arms.  I mean at one point in the day I sneezed and thought I was going to die.  Needless to say, big girl didn't make it to the gym Saturday.  Good thing I've got the 30 Day Shred goin on so I could get in a little work out from home!

Saturday *with all of my soreness* the family and I made our way down to Oil City, LA for Gusher Days. 
The cutest little girl I know was in the parade for winning a pageant!
*I would adopt this child*
Keely Mae is the most polite and sweetest girl I have ever met.  Her momma and daddy did a great job with this one :) I asked her if we could get a picture and she said "yes ma'am"... Only in the south ya'll.  I love it and I love her!

So while we were waiting for the parade to start, we took a little stroll down main street where Gusher Days was held.  
Only in Louisiana, ya'll.  And if you can't read the smaller sign we've got Gator, Shrimp, and Sausage on a stick, Curly Fries.... and last but certainly not least, a "Beer Battered Deep Fried Honey Bun".  I gained 10lbs just typing all of that.  
Now, I'll have to say the people of Oil City, while I'm sure are very very nice, are a breed all in themselves.  Now I know the Lord above is the only one who can judge, but ya'll... when teeth start becoming an accessory and jorts and wife beaters are your "sunday's best"...we've got a serious problemo.

 Winner, Winner, Chicken on a stick dinner. 
Stay classy, Oil City.

Saturday night we went home and tried to do some fishing but a MONSOON came on down so we didn't get to catch anything.  Good thing we've had some fish saved up for a yummmmmmy fish fry!
*Yesterday's catch is todays dinner!!* 

Yesterday we did nothing but fish.  I'm becoming a regular 'ol redneck.
It was really hot and because the sun was setting, I got a really cute tan on one side of my body... real cute.
Oscar got too hot and had to go under the picnic table to recover... so pitiful.

Today I got up and went and worked out and then came home and did pretty much nothing all day.  No complaints.  I'm getting my training assessment tomorrow morning which I'm kind of nervous about.  I admittedly do not have the greatest self confidence in the world and if tooth pick trainer tells me I'm crazy out of shape I may fall in the floor and cry.  I'll let ya know how that one goes...
Momma and I are also "gonna venture to the big 'ol city to do a lil shoppin" *did you get that country accent in there? :)* I'm excited about this because I'm going to Memphis this weekend with John and desperately need a new outfit :)

I hope ya'll had a great Monday! 


Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hey ya'll!
I hope you have all had just as a relaxing weekend as I have!
I'll give a weekend recap post tomorrow, but for now I wanted to play along with Mannland5 for this weeks edition of
1. what's your favorite rainy day activity?
Sleep, watch movies, sleep, cuddle on the couch, sleep...
2. what time do you go to bed?
Well I "go" to bed around 10 but I actually fall asleep around midnight if i'm lucky. Insomnia and I have become bffs as of late :(
3. how many magazines do you subscribe to?
I don't subscribe to any, but I only pick up the most intelligent and thought provoking mags from the grocery store.  My favs are Cosmo, USweekly, People... you get the idea 
4. did you sell all your belongings because you thought the world was ending yesterday?
Absolutely not.  And lord bless the hearts of those people who did.
5. what's your beauty obssesion?
Hmmm... not huge on the beauty products, but I'm just gonna be general and say moisturizer and lotion.  Girlfriend can't be ashy...especially during shorts and tank top season!
6. if you could only wear one designer/brand for the rest of your life...what would it be?
Well...this is hard because I don't really shop by brand, just by what I think looks cute so at this moment I'm gonna have to say Forever21...but then I'd look pretty ridiculous as an 85 year old wearing Forever.
7. what's your summer must have?
A tan... and sweet tea, of course!
8. do you make weekly dinner menus?
I don't even make weekly dinner...haha.  Huge no on this one.  It would be pretty typical of me to plan something like this out and then not want to eat any of it on the scheduled day. Maybe in the future when I have a family I'll be more organized and less picky.


Friday, May 20, 2011

i'd rather be fishin'

Good thing I have all the fishin I could ever dream of in my lovely back yard!

This is my life today...

Work Out.




Dream life? Just throw some shopping in there I believe so...
*please excuse my nappy hair*
Duh, Oscar went fishing too
*I'm going to have to start better preparing my looks if I keep having photo ops at the fishin hole*

Just getting back to my country roots... nobigdeal.  

Tomorrow morning I'm going to my gyms group exercise version of 'P90X'
Lets all have a moment of silence for my body at 10:00am.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

and its on to the next one...

As of late, a lot of things have happened leading to big changes in my life! 
Let me fill ya in, K? K.
{1} I'm not sure if I mentioned it a bazillion times but I Graduated with my Masters Degree!! Hollarrrr!!
{2} I moved away from Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas 
*sad face with tears*
*bye bye apartment livin*
I'm now living in good 'ol Benton, LA where I'll be working on some special life dream projects.  I don't want to divulge too much, but just know that I'm starting to really live my life (ay, ay, ay)
So I had to fit my apartment into here
Which made me have heart palpitations and one terrible nights sleep, but thankfully now it looks like this
 *Home Sweet Bedroom*
{3} I caught my first fish of the summer! I caught about seven this night, but the first one was the biggest
*I love to fish, but I'm not trying to touch it or anything:)*
{4} In exactly one month my bess frands and I will be living the dream in a little place called LAS VEGAS and I could NOT be more excited!! We'll be staying here
*Planet Hollywood*
This trip just so happens to fall on the week of my birthday.  
Best week ever? I think so people.
I am sooo excited for this trip! I can not wait to see what shenanigans we get ourselves into :) 
*sorry in advance, momma*
And this leads me to numero cinco...
{5} I started to stop being lazy really working on my fitness today! I went and got a gym membership and I have my first training assessment Tuesday morning! I am aslo re-starting Jilians "30 Day Shred" because with the stress and busyness that was the last two months of my life, Jilian had to take a back seat while Sonic became my best friend.
All workout tips and suggestions are encouraged! Oh, and I'm always looking for good work out music too...send some tunes my way!
{6} I FINALLY get to see this little handsome everyday!
He is excited to see me home too.  He missed me.  The feelings are mutual. 

Well since I am back to living in the middle of nowhere at home where the internet connection is less than stellar, my updates take about an hour longer than they did before.  Especially when I upload pictures (and who likes a post without pictures?).  So bare with me, but I'm still planning on posting frequently!
Happy Friday, ya'll!!


Dear Fayetteville...

I can't believe that my time with you has come to an end.  You've given me the greatest 6 years of my life and I owe who I am today to you.  You've made me grow in ways that I never knew possible.  You've taken me from this
To this...
to this...
And thank you SO much for that.
I've gained friends, memories, and an education that I am so fortunate to have. You've taught me more about life outside of the classroom than in, but I think that's the point of college. You gave me amazing sorority sisters that I'll always be in touch with.
I've learned that Grubbs has the best drink deals in possibly the entire country, that Viejo has the grossest Mexican food but the best Margarita specials so apparently it cancels out, and that Taco Bell only tastes good after 2am.  Willy D's is the worlds best piano bar and Wilson Park is the best place to take Cash for a walk.  That it's important to go to class, even if you just play on Facebook the entire time. And its always fun to "Frat Lap" on sunny days.  That Sonic happy hour can make a bad day good, and that there's no place like Dickson Street to either celebrate or drown your sorrows after a Razorback football game. You've brought some amazing people into my life and weeded out the ones that needed to be.  Most of all you've given me my best friend and I thank God everyday that we were brought together to meet on your beautiful campus. I don't know where I'd be without him and I know that it was meant for him to transfer from TCU so we could meet.  Besides two degrees, John is the greatest thing I'm taking away from Fayetteville to keep with me forever.  You can't have him back :)
You've also taught me a lot about life.  That everything doesn't always work out the way you plan it to and that's okay.  College was the best time of my life and I am so thankful that I got to meet everyone I did and I hope to still stay in touch with them.  You've given me some of the best friends I could have ever asked for and I know we wouldn't have met if it weren't for you.  Now I'm closing the 'college' chapter of my life and opening a new one.  I have no idea what the future holds, but I guess that's whats fun about life.  Thank you Fayetteville, for making me a Razorback for life and never letting me forget that Arkansas will always be my home.  This isn't goodbye forever, it's just "I'll see ya later"


Saturday, May 14, 2011

stick a fork in me...

I'm done with college FOREVER!!!!
Yes, it's 5:30 right now because basically I'm too excited to sleep.
In about 4 hours ya'll can go on ahead and call me "Master Sarah" :)
*nice ring to it dontcha think?*

I'll post pics from this years commencement later on this week! 
Just wanted ya'll to know how excited I am!!
Happy Saturday and congratulations to everyone else graduating out there!!
*OMG...throw back song :)*

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

wednesday link-ups!

Today was a good day.
Lemme tell ya about it....

{I'm loving} that I got my nails did today.... SOOO needed!
Nail color: Essie "fiji"
*ps. please excuse my looks in this picture... 
{I'm loving} that I finally found my graduation dress!!
*Kohls $45... say whaaa?!*

{I'm loving} that I finally got to go to the pool today! It was so awesome outside and after 2 hours I got a nice little tan goin on!

{I'm loving} that when boyfriend comes to town, he spoils me surprises me with little things like this...
with wonderful things like this inside...
*boyfran does so good*

{I'm loving} that I'm officially done with school and my students were sad to see me go.  Well I'm not loving that they were sad, but you catch my drift.
 bye bye classroom!

{I'm loving} that I have half of my apartment packed up! Only two more rooms to go!
boxes, boxes, and more boxes

{I'm loving} that momma and Greg will be here Friday to see me graduate!
I will be repeating this outfit Saturday with some added masters bling :)
{I'm loving} that John will also be here agin this weekend to watch me graduate...
because as always...
{I'm loving} my boo!
Link Up and share what you're loving today!

I'm also going to play along with Leigh Ashley for...

{one} what profession have you always admired?
Teachers. I mean without teachers to teach people how to do things, there would be no professionals in the world.  And after being a teacher for a year now...I can honestly say that is has to be one of the hardest jobs too.
{two} what would the title of your memoir/biography be if it was written today?
ohh... hard one.  Hmm maybe something like "She ain't finished yet"?? Because in all honesty I my life is just beginning, ya'll :)
{three} how far do you commute to work?
I'm not sure on the mileage... less than 3 I'm sure... about 5 minutes.  I can't even listen to one Adele song all the way through on my morning commute  :( haha
{four} are your earlobes attached or detached?
Attached? I think? I don't know... does this make me weird???
{five} do you eat the unpopped kernels of popcorn at the bottom of the bag?
{six} what is the strangest gift you’ve ever received?
If I think about birthdays and christmas' all of my gifts are pretty normal... but during the first week of Freshman year, everyone in the dorm was getting goodie baskets full of candy and chocolates from their families.  I was excited when I was told that I had a basket waiting for me at the front desk... was it a candy basket?? Hmm, no it was a FRUIT basket from my lovely mother.  Thanks momma, that fruit basket did NOT help with deterring the Freshman thirty fifteen.
{seven} what is one tv show that you wish hadn’t been cancelled?
I was really getting into Perfect Couples... it was pretty funny.  It didn't even last an entire season.  Boo on you NBC.
{eight} what is something that you are saving money for right now?
Graduation night! PAARTY!!
{nine} what hobby would you like to take up?
Running... seriously, I am NOT a runner.  I honestly look like this
{ten} how many times a year do you get really dressed up?
Well, thankfully because of sorority and fraternity functions I was able to get dressed up about twice a year.  And now, because I'm apparently at that age when EVERYONE AND THEIR BROTHER is getting married... I get to dress up throughout the summer!

I hope ya'll are having a fantastic Wednesday!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

short and sweet

Packing is the WORST.
One room down, 4 to go.
Things were going good until I realized that I am quite possibly the worlds worst packer... 
I put everything into boxes, then realized that I made all of the boxes weigh about 60lbs... 
so I took everything out and re-boxed it... blahhhh.
Where's momma when I need her?
She's helped me packed me up from everywhere I've ever moved... can we say spoiled?

Also, you never realize how much junk stuff you have until you try to fit it into about 20 boxes.  
I mean... I live in a one bedroom apartment, how many things can I possibly have?
The answer is TOO MANY.
I've realized today that 
"Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm a border line hoarder."
I mean I still have notebooks from Freshman year when I was an Interior design major
{that was a lifetime and about 5 majors ago}

Well that's pretty much all I did today.
The skys were cloudy so I did work without my self-bribe of getting to go to the pool.
{proud of myself}

I also wrote a song today!
{get excited Greg}
All of the songs I write are usually sad or depressing, so I was excited that today's was upbeat and silly!
I'm calling it "Silly Love"
So, while I have the lyrics and tune in my head, I need to learn to play the guitar, like, yesterday :)
Now I need to go get more boxes and tape because I tackle my living room {the biggest room} tomorrow. 
Oh happy day.