Tuesday, April 9, 2013

did ya miss me?

'memba me?!

Has it really been 2 whole months since I've posted anything? 
To say I left this blog on a negative Nancy note is an understatement.  Last time you heard from me I had just quit my job.  Great time to go MIA, right?
Well as you now know, I did not run to the highest building and jump... although I wanted to.... Let me give you a little run down on things in my world as of late.

If you go back to this post you can see I quit my job on Monday, February 4th.
Tuesday February 5th I decided to go substitute at a Charter Elementary/Middle school. When I got to the school, I discovered that my assignment was for the music class. 
It was like God was giving me a break, ya'll.
I loved it.
So I did my job for the day and went to go sign out when I was met by teachers in the front office telling me what positive things their students had to say about me.
If I ever needed positive feedback, it was then.
I said thank you and they took my phone number to call if they ever needed a sub.

Wednesday February 6th I get a call from the principal asking if I'd be interested in a long term sub position in a 3rd grade class.
I wanted to scream "DUHHHHHH".

Monday February 11th I started a 5 week long term sub assignment.
Loved it.
My assignment ended and instead of saying "see ya later" they said "how about we hire you as a dedicated sub".
I wanted to scream "DUHHHHHHH"

So here I am.  I report to the school every day and they place me in a class that needs a substitute.  
I love it because I've gotten to know almost all of the kids here.

But ya'll... it gets better.
Yesterday I interviewed for a Kindergarten position that will be open at this school for next year! 
I should find out the results next week, but even if I don't get it, I'll still be working for this school!

God works in mysterious ways, ya'll....
If I hadn't quit on that Monday and took a sub position on Tuesday, I wouldn't be where I am right now writing this post.

Oh yeah, John and I also moved into our house this past weekend!

I'll do a whole post on that later.
I'm going to try try try to get back into the swing of blogging! 

Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Over when it's over

I'm here today with mixed emotions.  
Mixed because I finally feel a sense of relief that I've been searching for the past month. I also feel like a disappointment to my family and myself.  

Today I quit my job. 

I don't want to go deep into it because one, I don't want to relive another second of this job, and second because I'm not going to ramble on about the list of things that piled on top of each other leading to the inevitable.

I knew it was time to cut ties when this job was effecting my day to day life.  I knew with this position, time with John and I would be cut down.  
Thats fine...absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?
Well when the few hours a night I was able to spend with him were spent being in a horrible mood from the work day, the heart was growing the opposite of fond.

It all came to a head today when certain things happened that led to me feeling more unappreciated than I have ever felt in the past.
Or probably in my whole life.

So I called my mom, dad, and John and told them what I felt.
John told me to stick it out, tell the board members, and see what happened.
Momma told me to do what I felt was best.
and Greg (my dad) told me to say some words I cant repeat here, flip 'em the bird, and head on home.

So I went with the more PG version of what he suggested, packed my things, said goodbye to the ones I needed to, and peaced out.

I guess what I'm saying with all of this is sometimes its okay to give up on something.
No one understands what's going on in your own heart better than you.
A job is just that, a job.
It's not your life... and when it starts effecting your life in a negative way, it's time to let it go.

and also I want to pursue my lifes true passion of being a super bowl sign language guy.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Dear everyone everywhere,

Dear Eli Young Band... 
Thank you for having a concert for me and John last night.  I didn't realize you were also inviting 500 other people...but whatevs. You were awesome as always, don't ever change.
ps. I owe tall John for this picture... how perfect with the hearts and everything? And on my iPhone? 

Dear Tierra's Eyebrow...
You are the sassiest brow on the block.  The way you hang out up there... you're almost acquaintances with your upstairs neighbor the Hairline.  You're so popular that you have your own twitter page.  Keep doing you, sassy! We wouldn't know the emotions of Tierrable the great without you.  

Dear Super Bowl 47...
  I don't really care about you this year.  Ravens... 49ers... eh whatever. Can we all focus on the more important Puppy Bowl over here?

speaking of super bowl,
Dear Beyonce...
I don't understand why people like you. 
I haven't liked you since you started asking me if I could pay your bills back in '99.  
Get over yourself Bey. 
You ain't all that sister, and your baby's name is a color and a poisonous plant.
I mean...

Dear Bangs...
You sure are having a moment aren't you? Between Mobama, and Swifty, you've decided to make 2013 your year.  I like to say I'm the only child who made it out of the 90's without bangs... shout out to momma bear for that one.  'preciate it moms.

Dear Weekend...


Thursday, January 31, 2013

ya'll... I can't even

Is today Monday?
Because it totally feels like it with the way things have been going.

All of my tires decided to go flat this morning.
Also, I have to get my car inspected today because it's the last day of the month.  Can I just say that, being from Arkansas where they somehow found a way to not make you waste your time doing something pointless like getting your car inspected, have never done this before?!
I totally didn't realize that I needed to do this until Today... the last day of the month.

So on my lunch break, I take Tiffany (thats my car's name, keep up) to the place to get her inspected and they ask me for my proof of insurance.
Sure, I have that..... except I didn't have that.
Turns out the insurance card that was in my car expired YESTERDAY and the new one.. the one I got weeks ago and forgot to put in my car.. is sitting it's pretty little self on my desk at home. 

Usually, this wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that I work until 6, don't get home until 6:30 and all car inspection places are closed by then.

(this is where things turn around)
I call my boss, explain the sitch, he lets me work from home the rest of the day and take care of business.

Now Tiffany is all good, I'm sitting on my couch answering emails and catching up on DVR with my puppy dog. 
Best day turn around ever.

Which brings me to the two reasons why working from home > everything else...
1- no one judges you on how many times you go to the bathroom... sorry I'm trying to be healthy and hydrate myself which leads to the inevitable!
2-You don't have to wear pants
Point Made.

But what am I saying? This day can't be bad because I will be seeing my favorites ever, Eli Young Band tonight at the House of Blues!!

You may have seen them on an episode of this season of The Bachelor.

I was trying to count the times I've seen them, but I can't even remember.... 12 maybe? 
They used to come to my college town all of the time before they decided to go and get really famous on me.
I lurves them.
But not once has John rented out an amusement park and set up a private concert for us.
We're breaking up.

I hope ya'll are having a happy Thursday!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

House pins

Hey ya'll!
It's Wednesday, so I hope you're all doin the Humpty Hump because there's only two more days until the weeeeeekeeeeend!

So if you were here Monday, you know that my house is comin' right along!
So exciting!

I have been getting so many great decorating ideas from Pinterest that my house will either look like a dream, or look like Pinterest threw up all over it.
Gorgeous regardless.

This precious block of color is going to be the paint color for our down stairs area! 
Shermin-Williams "Night Sky"...get it gurrrl!

This will be happening... it's just too cute not to.

Love this idea... and now we'll finally have a pantry door to paint!
Do ya'll hear that? It's those Angels singing!

Housewarming gift, anyone?
Source: etsy.com via Sarah on Pinterest

Love this wall... love the colors.. love the open frames with things 'floating' in them.
Doin it, and doin it, and doin it well.

Cruuute idea.

Paint color for the bedroom... and again I need it.
Unfortunately, I'll never be able to have anything white again because of a certain black creature that inhabits every corner of my home.
Source: houzz.com via Sarah on Pinterest

Love this for the guest bath! Minus the alphabet... no need fo dat.

So there you have it! Just a few examples from the many... and I mean many... ideas I have for the new casa de la Sarita y Juan.
Adios, Amigos!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

dogs: making smart people dumb since 30,000 BC

Most of my free time is spent watching my dog walk in circles, watching him fail miserably at being the  'dog park rapist' and picking up his human sized 'presents'...ifyouknowwhatimean.
What. A. Babe.
Some people don't understand the love I have for my dogs. 
I don't understand why you live-tweeted while giving birth... so I guess we're even.
After several years of pure unadulterated people watching, I've learned a lot about myself, about 'dog people' in general, and about people I don't associate with known as 'not dog people'. 
Here are some of my conclusions:
1. If you wear white to a dog park and a friendly dog jumps on you to do nothing other than reward you with kisses and say 'hello' and you scream and yell because "This is Ed Hardy!!!"... probably rethink your life decisions.
2. When talking to your dog, (let that sink in) it may be difficult to go an entire sentence without saying 'baby boy' or 'handsome man' or 'pretty pretty princess'... so I've heard. 
3. If you're a grown man and you're walking around with a dog that weighs less than the burger you just ate... I want to be best friends with you.  You're either a very secure man, or gay.  And I'd love to hang out regardless. 
4. I've seen two very logical looking adults jump into the Houston Bayou because they weren't sure if their Portugese Water Dog knew how to swim. 
A- duh
B- Why would you take him to the Bayou if you weren't sure he could swim?
ps. I would like everyone to know that I did control my laughter when I asked them what kind of dog they had after they came crawling out of the Bayou and they said "Portugese Water Dog"... I mean, really?
pps. the dog did, in fact, know how to swim.
ppps (too much?). You may also recognize this type of dog as the Bo Obama (or Bobama as I like to call him) breed. 
You do you, Bobama.
5. You may find yourself dressing your dog in better clothes than you are dressing yourself in at the moment. 
6. See that last bite on your dinner plate? Get a dog and never enjoy that last bite ever again. 
7. So you enjoy sprawling out in your bed and sleeping in whatever position you please? I'm sorry...so does your dog, and his beauty sleep matters WAY more than yours.
oh, and please make sure you allow them to get at least 18 hours of sleep a day or they'll be just too tired to function.
8. I don't know if this is just me, but Cash is the sole reason I get up and run in the mornings... so get a dog and stop being obese. 
9. Everyone says "dogs love you unconditionally" "dogs do not judge"... I beg to differ... Look at the judgement I get on a daily basis
I'm just over here trying to do work so I can provide for you and all you can do is sit and stare at me with this face.
So much side eye. 
Finally... I've never loved something so much that never talked back to me... except that JTT poster I had in the 6th grade.  
Dogs are wonderful, they'll make you stupid, but they'll always be there for you when you need them to put a smile on your face and you've gotta love that.


Monday, January 28, 2013

weekend update in the hizzhouzz

Happy Monday lovelies! 
I hope your week is getting off to a good start!

I started my day off by getting up out of my nice warm bed and taking puppy (and myself) for a 2 mile run! 
Who am I?

Today I'm starting the 7 Day Slim Down by my favorite Tone it Up girls.  
I did this last summer before our trip to Vegas and I lost 10lbs and lots of inches.
I need a good jump start to my new healthy self image, so I'm excited to get the party started with them again!

The weather this weekend in Houston was beyond.
It was 75 and sunny and NOT humid...
hallelujah the angels did sing!

And in light of the gorgeous weather, my favorite black man decided to take me on a little Saturday picnic! 
There's just nothing like good selfies with the puppy.

Saturday night I was feeling an extra kind of cranky and just couldn't be around people...
Thank goodness we went home early or I probably would have.

Sunday was spent being just as loungy (it's not lazy if you're relaxing) then John and I heard from our realtor that they have framed our house! 
We had to go check it out!

Isn't she beautiful?!
Here I am throwing my hands in the air and waving them like I just don't care from our back porch!
Yes I'm wearing this in January... the weather, ya'll, is crazy.

Here's the back of the house... this is about halfway back in the yard... plenty of play space for our puppy child!

I am so excited for this next chapter in our lives! 
My pinterest boards have never looked more exciting!

I hope you all are having a great Monday!
