
Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend in Pictures

"Oh, I'm so happy it's Monday", said No one EVER.

Let's recap the weekend!

Let me preface this story, by saying that John is quite possibly the sole reason Amazon is in business today.  Everyday that boy has some kind of package coming to the house so on Thursday when the doorbell rang and a little brown box was left on the door step, I was less than surprised.

I texted John at work and asked him what in the world he could have ordered this time, and he told me to open it. 
A package for me?!
About time!
You shouldn't have!

So what was in this sweet little package?

Duh, a solar dancing penguin.
I named him Pablo.
He now lives in the Kitchen window.

Friday, Johns office was moving floors so he didn't have to go into work! What a fun surprise!  We went to the movies to see "5 Year Engagement"
It was pretty funny.
I'm not going to lie, I did tear up a couple of times.
It's just a good love story that shows you can have ups and downs in a relationship, but if it's meant to be it'll find a way.

Friday night we went out to dinner with some friends and then headed home.

Saturday we ate some crawfish that might have once lived on the surface of the sun.  It was seriously the spiciest thing I've EVER eaten.
My lips may still be on fire.
John met up with some friends at their pool, and I decided to forgo the humiliation putting on a swimsuit just yet, so I opted to take Cash to the park

Love hims!

Sunday was spent being horribly lazy....which is what Sunday is for, right?

Last night I got an email with the proof for my new blog design!!
It's going to be ca-uuuute!
I can't wait for ya'll to see it!

I hope you had a great weekend!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dear Life,

Dear guy at the park,
Thank you for the laugh I had over your cell phone ring-tone.  Frankly I forgot they still sold ring-tones and it was nice to be nostalgic for a while.  The fact that you are pushing 50 and have "The Thong Song" as your go-to makes me either love you, or terrified of you...I can't decide.  Bless you, either way.

Dear Mr./Mrs. Squirrel,
I am so sorry that Cash tried to eat you, and by tried I mean had you in his mouth. In all fairness, you provoked him by only climbing halfway up the tree before turning around and acting all tough to his face.  You are welcome for grabbing him and releasing you to go live your life with your squirrel family.  I hope you take this as a lesson that life is a blessing and tomorrow is not promised, not even for squirrels...and always remember #YOLO.

Dear lady grunting at the gym,
Stop. Seriously.  Your 7lb weights aren't fooling anyone and your circa 1985 Jane Fonda attire isn't doing you any favors.  Love you girl, but no.

Dear dirty house,
I hate you.  There, I said it.  Yesterday I finally cleaned you.  Please stay that way.

Dear John,
Take me on a date. I'm kidding...okay no I'm not, take me on a date.

Dear Marisa Miller,

Lets trade bodies...I'm young and I'm sure you could take what I give you and bring it up to par in no time.  Think of it as a 'flip' project, except there's no house and you probably won't make any money in the long run. Deal?

Well that's about all for now... I could probably go on forever, but I'll save myself the embarrassment and you the trouble.  Until next time...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What did we do before Pinterest?

I'm linking up with Michelle for 

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

What are you pinning on pinterest?
You can follow me here!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whatcha know 'bout me?

Happy Tuesday, ya'll!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Don't think I haven't noticed that I've gained some new followers in the past couple of weeks!

What up ya'll?!

I thought this would be as good of time as ever to do a little 'get to know you' post so ya'll can have a little idea about who I am!

Sound good?

*My name is Sarah Elizabeth
*When I was in 5th grade there were 6 Sarah's in my homeroom class, so the teacher declared me Sarah Beth.
*However, most of my friends from HS call me Sarah Dee because my last initial is a D.
*I'm 24 going on 17
*I'll be 25 in June so expect a quarter life crisis coming your way soon.
*I was born and raised in Hot Springs, Arkansas
It's a gorgeous National Park, and I now realize how lucky I was to grow up there.
*I currently live in Houston, Tx with my boo thang John, and my puppy Cash

*I'm an only child
*John and I have dated for almost 4 years
*We met in college at a sorority function...he wasn't my date
*My dream job would be a singer
*I love all kinds of music from country to rap
*I love to dance, and am a firm believer that whenever John and I go out we should dance as inappropriately as possible because one day it's going to be unacceptable for us to dance that way.
*I love my Momma and Step Dad with all my heart.
*None of my close friends have gotten married yet.
*I'm a Arkansas Razorback Alum
*I have a degree in Communications and a Masters in Teaching
*I taught High School for a year and decided it wasn't for me.
*I'm currently looking for jobs in marketing/pr... with little success.
*I have the best friends in the world (trust me)
*Vegas is my favorite place on earth
*I spent my birthday last year with friends in Vegas and it was the best trip ever.
*I started blogging as a way for me to vent during grad school and now just to chronicle the randomness that is my life.
*I try to put up a front but I care a lot what people think about me.
*I have to tell myself daily that life is too short to worry about what others think.
*I have a best friend that I've known since Kindergarden. 
*Aaaand....I don't know what else...haha

Well that was random, but that's all I could think of.

Is there anything else ya'll want to know?
Ask about me!
If I get enough questions I'll do another post.
I see these on other blogs and they look so fun!

So leave me some questions in the comments about anything you want to know!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend in pictures!

This past weekend was so fun!
Lets take a little journey through bullet points....

~Thursday night John and I met up with some friends to watch Turtle Races at a local bar.
It was so much fun, and because I'm  24 going on 12 I can't wait to go back and watch again!

When I was in 3rd grade, we had turtle races at our elementary school. 
I obviously had a turtle named Flash, and he won.
Flash was later eaten by my dog... 
Such a sad way for a champion animal to go.

~Friday I went to Target to find new bedding.  I didn't find new bedding, but still managed to leave with $200 worth of stuff.
4. Garnier BB Cream (Uh-Mazing, by the way)
5. Maybelline Baby Lips "Pink Punch" (Also uh-mazing)

~Saturday we got up early, gathered our supplies, and headed west to Pace Bend Park for a fun camping trip with friends!
Pace Bend is about 30mins west of Austin.
The water was awesome, the weather was PERFECT, and it was a great way to spend the rest of the weekend!

~Sunday we swam a little then headed back to Houston, but not before we stopped in Austin for some good Mexican food at Guero's.
Once we got home, John and I hit the couch and didn't move until it was time to hit the bed.

It was a great weekend and Cash is still tired from his first camping adventure.

Hope you were able to enjoy some wonderful weather like we did!
Happy Monday!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fitness Friday

So about 3 weeks ago I joined the good 'ol YMCA because summer is coming fast and my waistline was extending faster.
I mean, Houston has been voted the FATTEST CITY IN THE COUNTRY for the past 4 years!

This explains a lot. 

I've been working out about 5-6 times a week so I thought what better way for me to calculate my progress and make a food diary than put it on my blog!

So here we go...
Lets call this little journey:

This week I've been feeling a little less than excited about heading to the gym.
Like I've said, I've been working out consistently for 3 weeks and am seriously seeing no results.

Like, I've lost a pound.

Not encouraging. 

But what's keeping me going is the fact that I'll be  older than dirt 25 in two short months, and ya'll,  I need to look my best while having a complete quarter life crisis melt down.
It's going to happen.

So I'mma keep on keeping on and see where this takes me.

As for workouts, I'm a HUGE fan of taking classes at the gym.
I get super bored when I work out by myself, and taking classes also pushes me to have better form and do more reps because, hello, there are 20 other people in the class that are watching.

This week in workouts:
(I also walk Cash for an hour everyday)
Monday: BodyPump (full body weightlifting class using hand weights, bar, step, and body weight)
Tuesday: Cardio (20min on elliptical, 10min stair climber) 30mins of Abs
Wednesday: Day of rest.  Even God needed one.
Thursday: Cardio (20min elliptical, 10min stair climber), Body Pump, Abs
Friday: Cardio (30mins elliptical, 15mins stair climber, 15mins bike)
Saturday: Body Pump or Spin (haven't decided yet)
Sunday: Another day of rest...I'm only human ya'll!

This week for dinner:
(I usually have tuna and share baby carrots with Cash for lunch... exciting)
Monday: had NO groceries, ate a tuna melt
Tuesday: finally went to the grocery store, but still ate some Sushi we picked up
Wednesday: Finally a good meal! Chicken Rollitini with Spinach
you can go here for the recipe. 
Ya'll, with all of that Cheesy's only 200cals per chicken breast.
Can I get an amen?
Thursday: Hamburger
Friday: Hmm...not sure yet, but probably eating out with some friends
Weekend: I'll let ya know next Friday

So now that you know my routine and diet plan, why in the world are the pounds falling off?!

I think the good Lord keeps me from getting to my goal weight because he knows I'd walk around looking like this
or this
sorry I'm not sorry?

Ugh...oh well.  Here's to keepin on keepin on!
2 months... I think I can, I think I can...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Blog Design!!

After over a year of blogging, I've decided to give it up to the ones who know best and have a professional re-do my blog design!


Melissa has the cutest design ideas! Check out her portfolio!

With all of this being said, if you come around here and things are looking all kinds of cray, don't run away! Come back in a few days and see what changes we've made!!
(ew...did that kind of rhyme?)

I got an award...say whaaa?

The gorgeous Lisa over at Just a Brief Introduction gave me a bloggy award yesterday!

Lil 'ol me?!
You shouldn't have!!

But girl, I'm so glad you did!
The Liebster Award is for up-and-coming bloggers (200 followers or less) that you think deserve recognition for their fabulous blogging abilities.
Here's how this award process works...
Each nominee should:
Choose five blogs to give the Liebster Award to.
Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
Post the award on your blog.
List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites.
Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
Share five random facts about yourself.

5 Random Facts:
1. I'm an only child.  People might say I'm spoiled, but I just think I'm extra loved.
my fabulous Momma and Poppa bear

2. I once had a tiny tiny role in a movie.
and I've been a diva ever since...

3. I've only had one boyfriend in my entire life...
and I guess I'll keep him around. 

4. I have a Masters degree and no job.
Whomp Whomp.

And last, but probably most important:

5. I'm TERRIFIED of Mascots.
I don't know who's in there, and it's creepy, and I. Don't. Like. IT.
It's a real phobia called Masklophobia.
Go look it up.
But it's scary, I warned ya!

Now on to...
My Lovely Nominees! 

2. Jessica @Here and Now

I hope ya'll are having a great Thursday!
Only one more day until the weekend!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Do you Pinterest?!

I'm linking up with Michelle!

Perfectly Pink!
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Because sometimes that's just what you gotta do....


Just pick a place and go!
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Scary to think about... live it up ya'll!

I think I could make this!

What are ya'll loving on Pinterest this week?

Oh and I just want to say "hey girl, hey!" to my new followers! So happy to have ya'll here! Until next time, my loves....

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who's Your Doppelganger?

A Mommas Desires and Pacifiers

People constantly come up to me and tell me I look like someone they know.
Like, daily.
And do you know what I say to those people?
'Lucky them!'
Just kidding. 

I guess I just have one of those faces...hmm.

I'm playing along with A Mommas Desires and Pacifiers to see what the internet says about who my celebrity doppelganger is....

I went to and got these horrible interesting results:
I'm have no idea who 90% of these ladies are...

So I decided to use a different picture...
Maria Menounos? In what world?

I decided to include John in on the fun...
Duh he looks like Harry Potter and Danny Tanner... 
I'm sure he'll love that!

So I decided to try another picture of him
hahahahahahahahahaha... I mean....

In everyday life however, I get told a lot that I look like Hayden Panettiere.
Like, seriously, a lot.

Ehhh...I don't see it, but I'll take what I can get.

Who do you look like? Link up and play's a humbling experience :)