
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekend and New Design Info!

Let's just say, this weekend wasn't what I was expecting.
After an entire day of traveling from Houston, to Dallas, to Little Rock, to Memphis, we finally made it to Johns parents house around 12:30-1:00 am.  
You see, it costs about $800 (PER TICKET) less to fly into LR and drive the 2 hours to Memphis than it is to fly directly into Memphis.
So that's what we did.

Problemo #1: John developed the highest of fevers while we were mid air from Houston to Dallas.
I'm talking scorching.
Flight attendent convo went a little something like this:
Me: Could he get a blanket, please?
FA: Ma'am, we haven't had blankets on airplanes since 1992 when there was a bug epidemic.
Me: Um gross, okay.  Do you think you could give him a cool wet towel?
FA: (all of the confused) I'm sorry?
Me: I think he might have a fever (there was no 'I think' about it...boyfriend was on the verge of combusting into flames)
FA: Oh, okay I can find something.  Sir, did you have a fever when you got on this plane?
John: mmmmm
FA: You shouldn't have been allowed on the plane
Me: He's okay, he's contained.
Guy in seat next to me: *Shift as far away from these people as possible*

You know the worst way to fly?
When you're on your death bed.
Know how I know?
Two words.

Vegas. Hungover.

So we finally drove into Memphis, John's fever finally broke and he was feeling a million percent better.

Saturday we woke up, and it was a different story.
John went to the Doctor to find out he had Strep.
My poor baby.

He was couch ridden for the entire trip.
He didn't get to go to any concerts or see his friends.
Worst trip ever for him.

Because I'm a terrible girlfriend John forced me to go, I was able to spend Saturday down by the river listening to Cold War Kids, Grace Potter, and some other great live music.

Problemo #2: You know how I promised I'd take lots of pictures?
Well I did!
So what's the problem you ask?
They ALL turned out like this

Womp, womp.

Turns out I had the camera on a STUPID weird setting all weekend.
John told me "Sarah, you have to be smarter than the camera."

Johns fever was still high on Sunday so he ended up going back to the doc only to be told the same stuff.
We headed back yesterday, and are now snuggled up sharing germs and I'm "Dr. Girlfriend" for the day.

Problemo #3: I'm starting to feel sick.
But don't worry, I refuse to actually get sick, so I'll be okay.

Now, what you've all been waiting for
....*drum roll*....
my new blog design!
To say I'm obsessed would be a disgusting understatement.
I seriously just stared at it for a long time yesterday because I love it so much.
And I have no one to thank but Melissa!

*stole this from her site, hope thats okay Melissa!*

If you're looking to update I definitely recommend you head on over to Cherry on top and check it out!
Melissa made me feel so comfortable telling her exactly what I wanted.  She reassured me that I wasn't being a crazy nit-picker when I wanted her to change the tiniest of things.
She's basically awesome. 
She also just opened up a new Premade Shoppe where you can purchase the cutest templates for a reasonable price!
You can also find her shoppe on Facebook to find a special promo code!
Do it.
You won't be disappointed!  

I also have new "Follow Me" buttons at the top right!
So do it. 
Follow me!

I hope you all have a great day!
Send healthy thoughts John and I's way!



Lisa Lynn said...

Being sick on planes is the worst!! Somehow every time I fly internationally I'm hungover, whoops! So sorry about your pics, the same thing happened to me on Halloween, such a bummer!

Jamie Kubeczka said...

Cute new look and man what a crazy trip! Glad your man is feeling better.

Amber said...

Poor John...I feel bad he didn't get to enjoy the trip with you. On the bright side, I LOVE your new design!

Holly said...

Aww I'm sorry he got sick on the plane, that really sucks! They should have blankets on some--I had one when coming back from Hawaii. Stupid planes.

LOVE the new design :)

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