
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

and I was like baby baby baby OHHHH

I was like "baby, baby, baby" because everyone around me was a small baby child. 


Last night was so so fun! And in typical Sarah fashion (TSM-total sarah move) I forgot my camera... 
le sigh.

But I do have some grainy iPhone pics to share! 

Hooray for my little iPhone 4 sticking in there with me for this special occasion!

Come back tomorrow to meet Honey Boo Boo and Glitzy!

Happy Halloween, ya'll!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10 steps on how to have a really good day

step 1: wake up at 11am for no other reason than the fact that thats when your body decided it wanted to come to life. 
step 2: check all forms of social media
step 3: eat a bowl of left over chili for lunch (it's delicious)
step 4: send some emails, get a text from a friend
step 5: read the text asking if you have plans for tonight (you don't)
step 6: get invited to a Justin Bieber concert that you honestly didn't know about until this minute.
step 7: say yes and immediately feel like your 12 and this is an invite to an Nsync concert.
*step 8: go to concert, pretend that you're 15 and scream "MARRY ME JUSTIN" at least 100 times.
step 9: drink *responsibly* because you're not 15, you're 25. 
step 10: drive yourself home because you're not 15, you're 25. 
*steps 8-10 have yet to occur, but I'm willing to bet money that this is how tonight is going to go.
See you soon, J-Biebs!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

don't say I never taught you anything

I saw this on Pinterest, naturally, and had to share.
Some are interesting, some you probably already know, but all of them are things you don't need to know.

Go forth and be informed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

when in doubt, pin

Some nights, John and I spend our time hanging out at the dog park with our main man, Cash.
Some nights, we spend in catching up on our favorite DVRd shows together.
Most nights, John ends up with the remote and watches something terrible like Pawn Stars or Storage wars, or my absolute favorite American Pickers.
Remember when the History Channel actually taught you History, or The Learning Channel (TLC) actually made you learn?
Yeah, me either.
So, when John is watching those painstakingly awful shows, I turn to something that I enjoy and he doesn't understand.

Here's some of the awesome I've been Pinning lately:

Love everything about this!

Mean Girls, Husky edition.

Oh how I love literal humor.
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

This dogs face....seriously?! Cracking up!

Too bad I'll never be able to have white couches because I have a living black hairball in my home.

Okay... I have to go listen to some Mystical now.  Adding this to my work out playlist ASAP.
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

I love The Office! Andy's face makes me tear up!

This face.
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

And these will always ALWAYS make me laugh.

See... using my time wisely!
Follow me on Pinterest to see what I'm pinning! 


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

...and on the 746th day, the sound went out

Once upon a time I was one of those people who stood in line at 4am outside of an apple store to get the brand new version of the iPhone.
Now most people wouldn't think of waking up in the middle of the night while on vacation in Los Angeles to go down to whatever mall to stand in line for a phone.
Obviously, I'm not most people.
The 'ol iPhone 4.
She's been a good phone.
I've never lost her.
Never had any problems with her.
She's never been more than 4 feet from my right hand for the past 2 years.
Thats a real relationship, people.
And while writing this now, it is surprising me that I didn't even have the audacity to give her a name!
*side note* I have an unhealthy love for naming inanimate objects... my car is Tiffany Amber Tahoe.
I digress...
Everything was just peachy and perfect until a warm Spring day this year.
I took Cash to the dog park like normal, and I was sitting on the bench watching him play.  I was getting up to grab a ball to throw for him when this VICIOUS, RABID Bassett Hound jumped up on my lap and knocked my precious, innocent iPhone 4 face down on the concrete.
Sad sad day.
But, like the trooper she is, that little phone fought through the pain, and my fingers fought through the tiny shards of glass splinters up until this past weekend. 
This past weekend, little iPhone took a turn for the worse.
She has decided to reserve her energy and no longer has the ability to make noise to tell me whats going on.

I haven't heard her make a sound in days, and I'm worried.
(btw, not being able to hear my text tone is giving me major anxiety... weird?)

This is it.
It's time for me to say goodbye to the iPhone, and to move on with her hotter younger brother the iPhone5.

Problem is, iPhone 5 apparently has issues and has made himself completely emotionally and physically unavailable in the Houston area.

So now I'm just sitting here, willing my phone to ring until I can manage to locate a new one.

Apparently this is my life now.
Silent phone.

Oh yeah... remember that time I wrote a personified story about my phone?



Monday, October 22, 2012

i've been doing a lot of nothing lately

This is becoming a common theme around here, and I ain't happy about it.

I've been busy, but not with anything remotely interesting so it's been tough for me to come up with blogging topics. 
I started this blog as a way to document life in my twenties and thats what I intend on keeping it as.

So I might be a little MIA, but promise when something interesting happens you'll be the first (or second) to know! 

Here's whats been going down in my world:

*Went on my first business trip in San Antonio.
*First time visiting San Antonio.
*The Alamo in San Antonio is horribly disappointing.
*Had a (older male) client cuss me out infront of an entire room of people only for him to realize that I had NOTHING to do with what he was upset about.  He didn't even apologize, he just avoided me the entire convention.
*Johns family came into town then we all headed down to Rock Port, TX for the weekend.

*John and I have been HOUSE HUNTING!!! and while it's fun to look around, it's incredibly stressful and I just wish the perfect house would fall out of the sky and into our lives!

Aaaand that about sums it up!
Talk soon, promise!


Friday, October 12, 2012

because i'm one of those people

happy 3rd birthday baby Cash!
and by 'baby' I mean puppy dog.

If you follow me on instagram (and if you don't, what's wrong with you?!) then you've seen these, but I had to share for all posterity just how much I love my puppy child man. 
Oh my goodness he was so little and squishy!!
Would you expect anything less than a party hat from me? 
The answer is 'no'.

Cash, you're the best dog in the world! Here's to many many MANY more years!!
Momma loves you!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Are you just drifting through life?

John has been out of town the past couple of days so I've been living the single life partying and going out until the wee hours of the morning!!!!
Unless you call spending an hour at the dog park, picking up some Kroger sushi and a cosmo mag, and watching real housewives reruns all night "living the single life".
And if you do call that "the single life", maybe thats why you're still single? 

Anywho... I was flipping through the cosmo, 
(with smokin hot Kate Upton on the cover...girl can do NO wrong)
when I came across an article titled "Is Your Life Where You Want It To Be?".

This really got me thinking.  Sometimes I feel like I'm just drifting through life, living with the circumstances, and not really making any choices for myself.  I'm living in a city because my boyfriend lives here, not because I love the city.  I'm working at a job because I finally got hired, not because it was my first choice. I like to think I'm not alone here either.  It's so easy to get into a routine. We all work, have families, or have something we need to accomplish every day.

Here's a (typical) week day in my life:
7:30- get out of bed, walk to the couch, turn on tv, get on computer, check emails
8:00-make some coffee
8:30- begin whatever work I have lined up for that day (while sitting on the couch)
8:45- let Cash out because he's whining at the door
8:50- let Cash in because he's whining at the door
(repeat this sequence 10 times throughout the day)
9-Noon- social media work, email, call clients, check facebook, twitter, blog
Noon-?- Go to meetings if there are any set up for the day, if not...take a nap or catch up on recorded tv
4:30- John gets home
6:00- take Cash to the park
7:00-10:00- eat dinner, watch tv
10:00- go to bed

Are you riveted by the excitement?
Yeah, me either.

This is where I need to change. 
 I need more ambition in my life. I need to do more things because I choose to, not because I'm supposed to.  
I've just been offered a huge project at work.  So huge, that if this goes off the way I hope it does, I'll make my entire years salary through this one event... HUGE.
It's no secret that I have little to no confidence in myself.  I've always had the mentality that 'if I make fun of myself first, no one else will have the opportunity'.
When my boss told me he wanted me to head up this project, a part of me wanted to cry.
Thoughts of 'I can't do this', 'why me?', and 'this is too much for me' came racing though my mind.
But a little part of me said, "this is where you change".
So I accepted the challenge, and I'm taking it head on.

I'm making a choice to do this because it will be all mine.  
This is something I'm doing for myself.
And it's about time!

Do you ever feel like you're in a rut? What are some things you do to knock yourself out of it?

Last night I was feeling extra down, until I found this wonderful video.... If this doesn't make your day better I don't know what will!
(and if you're reading at work *shame on you:)* this video has no sound so feel free to watch!)

I hope ya'll have a great Wednesday!
Get out there and do something for YOU!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

do they have rehab for tv addiction?

My name is Sarah, 
and I'm addicted to too many new fall shows.

I'm just going to give you a run down of what my DVR is cued up to record for me right now:
-The Office
-Parks and Rec
-Up All Night
-The New Normal
-Guys With Kids
-The League
-American Horror Story
...and honestly, several more that I'm probably too embarrassed to say I record. 

Are you as addicted to tv as I am? 
Are you as grossed out by how addicted to tv you are as I am?

What are some of your new favorite fall shows?
(not that I need to add any more to my line up, but I do work from home and always have the tv on in the background)

I hope ya'll have a great Tuesday!
Excuse me while I go watch some tv!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

maybe i am crazy

I'm jumping on the bandwagon joining the party for The Vintage Apple's link up!
ps. can I say I laughed out loud when I saw this link up button?!
So funny, Cee Lo, so funny.

*I am afraid of mascots and pretty much anyone who wears a costume that covers their face.  It creeps me out that you don't know who's inside of there.  One time John told a mascot at a baseball game it was my birthday (it wasn't) and that mascot came and plopped down in my lap without me knowing it. Needless to say, I cried like a baby and John won't be doing that ever EVER again. 

* I like numbers to end in 5 or 0.  Like the volume on the tv or radio has to be at 15 or 20...not 16 or 23.  I don't care if it's blaring it has to end with a 5 or 0. 

* I hate when lights are left on in rooms that no one is in.  If you walk out of the bathroom, turn the light off.  If you walk out of the kitchen, turn the light off.  It's simple. 

* I can't and I mean CAN'T sleep without the tv on. I have to have some kind of white noise on in the background so my own thoughts will settle down and I can drift off to sleep. 

* I have an irrational amount of guilt when it comes to my dog.  Like, I feel so bad when I have to run errands and leave him at home. So, most of the time, if it's just a few errands like going to the bank or picking up a prescription, my puppy friend comes along with me. I also always request we go to dog friendly restaurants so Cash can come along with us. John will be the first to tell you I'm crazy for this one...but sorry I love my dog!! 

* It can be 1209384 degrees outside, but I can't sleep without something covering me.

* I  hate talking on the phone.  I have so much anxiety while that phone is ringing.  And if I'm doing the calling, I'm always secretly praying that it'll go to voicemail. 

*I know I look better as a blonde.  I know I'm a blonde at heart.  But almost every year I dye my hair dark in hopes that magically it'll look good this time.  It's because my eyes are green, I think I'll suddenly become Megan Fox.
  Um no, Sarah girl, not gonna happen. 

*I never carry cash.  EVER.  It's not like I'm afraid my wallet will be stolen (like it has) I just never go to the ATM to get money out.  And cash is really gross if you think about it.  Yuck. 

* I feel guilty for taking naps.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good nap, but not when anyone is around.  I feel like I'm missing out on something or being rude.  I also always get up when John goes to work.  I don't think it's fair that I get to stay at home while he's in an office.  So at least I go sit on the couch to make myself feel less guilty. 

Wow, if you didn't know before, now you know I'm a slightly OCD, guilty mess with a lot of things I don't like. 


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

well that's pinteresting

I've been nursing a 'my best friend is gone' hang over.
It's so so sad to me that we only get to see each other once, maybe twice, a year.
There were so many laughs, inside jokes, and starbucks drinks.
I also think John was a little exhausted from being around our "girl, you will never believe..." conversations. 

While I'm trying not to cry and think about how I have no good Houston friends much I miss my best friend, here's some things I've been check- check- checking out on Pinterest!

I have to DIY this! So cute

Love... simple and classic

I die. Nothing better than a groom's reaction when he's truly in love.

So funny to me.
This is my strange sense of humor.

I could wear this everyday... Houston, please have a winter this year!

Who doesn't love a good tipsy baby?
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Hope ya'll have a great hump-dy dump day! 
