
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

short and sweet

Packing is the WORST.
One room down, 4 to go.
Things were going good until I realized that I am quite possibly the worlds worst packer... 
I put everything into boxes, then realized that I made all of the boxes weigh about 60lbs... 
so I took everything out and re-boxed it... blahhhh.
Where's momma when I need her?
She's helped me packed me up from everywhere I've ever moved... can we say spoiled?

Also, you never realize how much junk stuff you have until you try to fit it into about 20 boxes.  
I mean... I live in a one bedroom apartment, how many things can I possibly have?
The answer is TOO MANY.
I've realized today that 
"Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm a border line hoarder."
I mean I still have notebooks from Freshman year when I was an Interior design major
{that was a lifetime and about 5 majors ago}

Well that's pretty much all I did today.
The skys were cloudy so I did work without my self-bribe of getting to go to the pool.
{proud of myself}

I also wrote a song today!
{get excited Greg}
All of the songs I write are usually sad or depressing, so I was excited that today's was upbeat and silly!
I'm calling it "Silly Love"
So, while I have the lyrics and tune in my head, I need to learn to play the guitar, like, yesterday :)
Now I need to go get more boxes and tape because I tackle my living room {the biggest room} tomorrow. 
Oh happy day.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

I agree about the quote. " You don't know how much you have until you pack" It's ridiculous! Such an eye opener.