
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March MADNESS!!!

And no I'm not talking about basketball.

Can we just talk for a minute about the crazy things that have been happening lately? Birds falling out of the sky, fish floating down the river, and Charlie Sheen earthquakes in Arkansas... really nature, really? The other day momma told me that under a tree near our house they have found 21 black birds paralyzed and dying.  Um...what? Okay so not only is that creepy and flat out disgusting, its sad and BIZARRE!!! If anyone knows why these crazy things are going down I would l-o-v-e to hear about it.

Speaking of crazy...I'm losing my mind. Literally, if you find it please tell it to 'come home soon'.  So for those of you who don't know I am currently in the Masters in Teaching program at the UofA.  Every Monday I go to campus for class then Tuesday-Friday I teach at Fayetteville High School.  Today is Wednesday.  This morning I died a little woke up, got ready for the day, and headed off to school.  Did I go to the high school? Nope.  I drove my happy self on up to campus and was seconds away from parking when I heard the lovely man on the radio say "Happy Humpday ya'll!"  Then it hit me.  TODAY IS WEDNESDAY! Wouldn't you know that I had definitely put on jogging pants, tennis shoes and a sweatshirt for what I thought was going to be a miserable intriguing day of college classes.  So with no time left to go change, I had to go to be a teacher, a role model, a PROFESSIONAL, in sweats and an oversized hoodie.  Yep, I'm awesome. 

I hope March is treating ya'll a little better than it has me so far.  Things are looking up: it's a gorgeous day outside, I get to see John and some friends this weekend, and there's Razorback Baseball in the air! 
Can't get much better than that! 

I'll leave you with this gem of a song.  If this doesn't get you ready for spring break in a couple of weeks, well then I just don't know what will! Enjoy!

Sarah Beth

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