Tomorrow is FRIIIIIDAYYYY!!!
Sorry, I'm living for tomorrow a little excited.
First off I want to give a big THANK YOU to my followers!!
I'm surprised that even one person would like to read my rambles, but 10?!
Ya'll got me blushin'!
Love you and thanks for making me feel the love!
Now back to this weekend...
Seriously, ready for break. This has been a tough week with school and teaching, and it's been even harder without John here to tell me to get over it make me feel better.
Thankfully, I'm going to see him and my beautiful puppy child tomorrow!!
{May the angels rejoice!!}
I have no idea what we're doing this weekend; we could sit on the couch and veg out for all I care. I'm so on the verge of tears excited ready to get out of Fayetteville for a while.
Which leads me to the title of this post...
Yes, I realize it sounds like the start of a terrible country song, but seriously, there hasn't been sunshine in Fayetteville since I came back from spring break.
It's gross and rainy and depressing and totally contributing to my less than stellar mood.
Come on spring, get the memo-- YOU HAVE SPRUNG. Overnight yourself to Fayetteville.
So that's enough of my ranting and raving. I probably won't post again until Monday because I'll be ocupado with Johnny Angel :)
I hope ya'll have a great weekend!
ps. This dance is what the youngins' are doing.
They tried to tell me about it yesterday like i didn't already know and begged me to do it for them. They were dying that I knew how to "move it like bernie" and that I actually did it good... haha. Have ya'll ever seen "Weekend at Bernie's"? I mean all you do is flail your arms around like a lifeless body Bernie... seriously. But now apparently I'm the "coolest" and "make this class worth while".
I'll take what I can get.