
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lazy Tuesday

Well, I tried for a good hour to upload pictures of my home so you could see where I'm well on my way to dying of boredom spending my spring break! However, like I told you before, I live in the middle of noweresville so the internet isn't cooperating.  
I guess I'll just have to wait until I get back to Fayetteville!
Today was one of the more lazier of days in my life.  
It got off to a good start... the driveway from the gate to my house is about a mile there and back, so momma and I have been walking it once in the morning and once at night.  It's a nice time to talk, and since I've become a 48 year old it is the highlight of my day.
Wow, that puts things into perspective doesn't it.
Here's a summary of my day:
This morning we walked at about 7:30, then I watched tv, had a bowl of cereal around 11, made a great cobb salad around 1, napped around 3, then walked again around 6, watched more tv, and am now laying in the bed.  
I'm so wild. 
I'm not complaining tho! 
I wanted this week to just relax and do nothing so this is good.  I keep thinking about how I'll have to go back up to Fayetteville on Sunday and it gives me a butterfly-in-the-stomach feeling.  Gross.  I don't wanna!
"Less than 2 months until graduation" is on repeat in my head.
So much to do and so little time.... should make for good stressful blogging rants in the future.  
Stay tuned...
Tomorrow momma and I are venturing out to do a little shopping, then I'm getting my hur did on Thursday! The week is taking a sharp turn into productivity and enjoyment. 

Chris Browns' new CD came out today, and while I hate his new hair and I think he is on the brink of a "charlie sheen-esque" melt down, I still love him.  So I'll dedicate the song of the day to him.  This song made me fall in love with him in a way I didn't know existed... this song is H-O-T-T

Love you all! Hope you're having a great week! 

1 comment:

Rissy said...

haha what you just described soundslike ALL of my days since I am unemployed...

And the fact that Chris Brown broke a window at GMA today totally freaks me out!
